Thursday, November 3, 2011

Mom to a Crawler

The past couple weeks have been exciting and challenging. We are SO SO SO excited that Rowan is finally on the move! So excited in fact, that I didn't even think about how much my world would change. 

Crawling has opened up the whole world to him... and the drawers and cabinets, and power cords, cat food, grass, shoes! It's AMAZING how quickly he can get from one room to another with that army crawl. And how curious he is. I can't get over the things he finds (there's an outlet there?). While it is so rewarding to see him exploring, it is kind of blowing my mind do people get anything else done? How do I not just fall on the couch once he's in bed? How do I feel like I've been 'productive' in a day when it's a challenge to do a load of laundry? 

But what is being 'productive' this honor of watching him grow? He's waving, imitation sounds we make, giggling out of control at funny faces and tickling, saying 'mama' and 'papa', pointing at everything, doing a boppy dance to music, has seven teeth, loves books, and is giving the most magical cuddles ever in the history of cuddling. So this is a reminder to myself. Self; when dinner isn't made, and you haven't crossed a thing off your to-do list... nothing is worth missing this. 

On the move! Coming for the camera. Pre- hair cut #5

Post- haircut. Ro is anti- cutting the hair, but I just want him to be able to see. Apparently you're not allowed to use bows on boys. 

Wow, Rowan. Are you really almost a year old?

He's totally obsessed with Chuck. She's like a celebrity at our house! 

Family hike at Hanna Park

Peek-a-boo with dad's hat:)


  1. I LOVE this post :) Makes me feel crazy for pretending like I am gonna want to work at all :)

  2. He has the cutest hair!!!! My mom always said: if you don't hear him in 3 minutes go and check on him, because he is working on something." This post made me think of that as well as how my twins will be really soon!

  3. I hadn't heard that before, but it's SO true! Anytime it gets quiet, I go running to find him, ha:) Last time it got quiet, he'd managed to grab the cat's tail, dah! I can't wait to see sketches of your up and coming crawlers.
